The U.S. Postal Service offers a postage rate discount to mailers for presorting, pre-barcoding, handling, or transporting of mail. These workshare discounts incentivize mailers to perform specific activities that the Postal Service would otherwise have to perform. Weekley’s passes these workshare discounts on to our customers in the form of postage savings.
Follow direct mail copy and design best practices to create effective EDDM advertising. Sending actionable mail with a clear offer and call to action will generate customer responses. Mail flat-sized pieces at rates lower than most letter sized pieces.
Informed Delivery is a consumer-facing feature offered by USPS® that provides users with digital previews of their household mail arriving soon. Mailers can integrate digital campaign elements to enhance and extend the mail moment. Informed Delivery, in effect, delivers two touches with a single mailpiece.
Full-Service mailers have the opportunity to use the same permit at any location via the Mail Anywhere program. Entry into the Mail Anywhere program is limited to mailers who meet the quality thresholds for Full-Service electronic verification.